Blogging from my Cozy Crystal Shop nestled by the River
As an entrepreneur with small businesses dating back to 1985, I’ve learned the importance of periodically reassessing my operations. Recently, I’ve been reflecting on the evolving landscape of business, particularly with the rise of social media. While I firmly believe in traditional work ethics, I recognize the significance of adapting to current trends, including social media engagement.
Growing up in a traditional environment, the idea of sharing personal struggles in a public setting was foreign to me. However, I’ve observed how openness on social media can inspire and connect with others facing similar challenges. As the owner of Kat and Gio, I’ve grappled with the decision of whether to embrace this trend for the sake of today's common business practice.
While I value privacy, I also see the potential for genuine connection and inspiration through sharing my experiences. It’s a balancing act between authenticity and maintaining boundaries. Indeed, my journey has been shaped by numerous experiences that have led me to where I am today. Why am I creating candles? And why infuse them with healing crystals? Perhaps it's the journey I underwent with breast cancer 2 decades ago, or the ongoing struggle of caring for my husband, who's been battling a debilitating illness for the past six years, leaving him with life-altering cognitive impairment, that has fueled my passion for this craft. I find myself with a wealth of stories and insights to share, but I often ponder with whom I share them and why.
Ultimately, I believe in being true to myself while also considering the potential impact on my business and audience.
So, do I follow the popular trend of opening up about my trials and triumphs, or do I maintain a more reserved presence? Or perhaps, I forge my own path, staying true to my values and letting the chips fall where they may. My fellow Geminis understand the daily roller coasters of emotions all too well. One moment, I'm feeling one way, and in the next 15 minutes, it's a whole new story. The struggle is undeniably real my friends (lol), and this is why I felt compelled to articulate my emotions in today’s post. Tomorrow I might regret it!

In the fall of 1983, at the tender age of 20 and newly married, I took a leap of faith and opened my first business, Sposabella (Beautiful Bride). This one-stop wedding shop, nestled at 832 Corydon Avenue, offered wedding accessories from elegant wedding décor to personalized invitations and my highlight- floral arrangements for weddings.
What drove me to establish such a bold career?? Despite my youthful enthusiasm, I was far from a business-savvy entrepreneur. I struggled with academics (still do), often questioning my abilities. Although I felt I may have had a deficit intellectually, I was confident about my greatest assets: resilience, adaptability, and a very integral strong work ethic, which I learned from my hard-working Italian parents. Add to this my love of people and my passion for creativity, I was convinced I would succeed.
A humorous example of my youthful naivety... I remember one particularly nerve-wracking encounter with a government official regarding sales tax. I was so clueless about the intricacies of business regulations I had no idea I was to charge sales tax. I was convinced I'd made a grave error, and the official was to meet me to discuss closing my business. Suffice it to say, the pleasant gentleman reviewed the obligations with me, and I continued.
One of my biggest challenges was navigating the complexities of running a business while being a young wife. Balancing tradition with my aspirations was no easy feat, feeling the pressure at times to maintain traditional values and understand customary roles. (too much to express on this topic…perhaps another time) But amidst the challenges, there were also moments of pure joy. I was ecstatic with my new business, and it quickly became popular amongst the brides counting on me to design and create their wedding flowers. My innovation and creative side came through when I devised a unique inclusion to the bride’s bouquets. Setting me apart from the rest (my never-ending quest in life), I contracted a glass blower, who created small handblown glass flowers, which I integrated into the fresh flower bouquets. It was a hit, and the Winnipeg Sun at the time wrote an article on this new concept.
But this joyful ride came to a halt as I realized I was fighting a war with my skin condition-eczema. In and out of doctor visits, it became apparent the excessive contact with fresh flowers was wreaking havoc on my skin, constantly being itchy and my hands and arms inflamed. So, after 18 months I needed to PIVOT (the word of 2020). Hence, Stella’s Bridal Salon, at its new location at 705 Cordyon, was born in the spring of 1985. A new chapter in my entrepreneurial journey.
Next month: Why the name change, the new location, and the fuel for my creative spirit